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Vegan Mehhiko toitude retseptid terveks nädalaks
Nii et sa tahad saada vegan kokaks?
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Vegan retseptid


Ma ei teadnud, et Euroopa Liidus ei tohi ravimitootja märkida, kas toode sobib veganitele v mitte. Absurdne! Viimasest Vegetarian Journalist, lk 13:

“It can be challenging to find out whether or not
medications contain animal products. Researchers in
the UK examined the 100 most commonly prescribed
drugs in primary care. Close to 75% contained lactose,
gelatin, or magnesium stearate, all substances that may
be derived from animals. Lactose is derived from cows’
milk, gelatin from cows or pigs or occasionally fish, and
magnesium stearate may be from cows, pigs, or sheep
as well as from non-animal sources. Magnesium stearate
was identified as coming from vegetable sources in
31 out of 49 products, 4 products contained animal-
derived magnesium stearate, and the remainder did
not indicate the source of magnesium stearate. Drug
manufacturers in the European Union are not allowed
to indicate whether or not their products are suitable
for vegetarians or vegans.”
