Sakslannst toortoitlane Sonya Watt viib augustis läbi telekonverentsi, mis on tasuta! Registreerida saab 31. juulini.
Sonya on ema ja toortoitlane üle 10 aasta, ta korraldab Saksamaal toortoidu perelaagreid Raw Fun Family.

Teada on, et The Garden Diet´i Jinjee Talifero räägib seal sõltuvustest ja isudest ülesaamisest, laste toitmisest toortoiduga, candidast ehk pärmseenest, toortoidu rasedusest ja sünnitusest ja teadusest toortoidu taga.

Muud teemad:

Is rawfood good for you?
Reach your ideal weight the easy way!
Enjoy delicious food without suffering, controlling or limiting yourself!
How can you help your kids to eat healthier?
How to detox correctly.
Should you eat 100% raw?
How to stay away from fall-backs & traps along the way.
How to deal with your friends & family (social life situations)
Your questions answered by an experienced raw Mom (over 10 years of experience!!)

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